It's incredibly costly to fight the console wars, and Sony's high-tech console is a pricey gadget to manufacture. Instead of focusing on the grim, Sony should be proud of its software numbers, with more than 3.5 million units sold in November alone. That represents a year-to-date growth of 150%. Sony can also take comfort in having sold a million hardware units across the entire PlayStation brand, with PS2 and PSP picking up the slack. To see the numbers, click past the break. Update: Software sales added!
While the holiday battle is clearly lost to Sony, fans of the platform can still look forward to 2009, where releases like Heavy Rain and Killzone 2 will undoubtedly reinvigorate sales. However, we urge Sony to consider a price drop -- no matter how insignificant -- as soon as possible. In economic times like these, people are far less willing to buy a $399 system over a $199 one, no matter how much more the PS3 may offer.
Wii - 2,040,000DS - 1,570,000Xbox 360 - 836,000PSP - 421,000PS3 - 378,000PS2 - 206,000
1. Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360 – 1.56 million
2. Call of Duty: World at War - Xbox 360 – 1.41 million
3. Wii Play w/ remote - Wii – 796K
4. Wii Fit - Wii – 697K
5. Mario Kart - Wii – 637K
6. Call of Duty: World at War - PS3 – 597K
7. Guitar Hero: World Tour - Wii – 475K
8. Left 4 Dead - Xbox 360 – 410K
9. Resistance 2 - PS3 – 385K
10. Wii Music - Wii – 297K