You can catch the weekly Asian PS Store update every Sunday, while you can still enjoy EU and NA updates every Thursday. For PSP-related content, please check PSP Fanboy.
Playable Content
12/04 - Linger in Shadows - 300 12/01 - Mirror's Edge demo - free
12/04 - LittleBigPlanet " Design Competition Japan Winner" costume - free12/04 - Mainichi Isshyo "Cosplay Game" and "Winter Garden" items - freeVideo
NoneThemes & Wallpaper
12/04 - Cross Edge "Custom Theme 01" - 200 12/04 - Cross Edge "Custom Theme 02" - 20012/04 - LocoRoco 2 wallpaper "Lime Tree" - free (also available for PSP)
12/04 - LocoRoco 2 wallpaper "Loco Flower" - free (also available for PSP)12/04 - Soulcalibur IV wallpaper 07 - free 12/04 - Soulcalibur IV wallpaper 08 - free
Hong Kong/Singapore
Playable Content12/01 Age of Booty full game - HK$79/SG$14.99
12/04 - Cross Edge "Gallery Open" - HK$76/SG$14.99
12/04 - Cross Edge "Voice Open" - HK$38/SG$7.5912/04 - Cross Edge "New Form Set 01" - HK$4/SG$8.9912/04 - Cross Edge "Added G" - HK$58/SG$11.1912/04 - Cross Edge "Added EP" - HK$58/SG$11.1912/04 - Cross Edge "Added PP 1" - HK$58/SG$11.1912/04 - Cross Edge "Added TP" - HK$38/SG$7.5912/04 - Cross Edge "Added PP 2" - HK$76/SG$14.9912/04 - LittleBigPlanet " Design Competition Japan Winner" costume - free12/05 - Soulcalibur IV - Customization Equipment 03 - HK$14/SG$2.40Video
12/04 -Way of the Samurai 3 PVThemes& Wallpaper12/04 - Soulcalibur IV wallpaper 07 - free 12/04 - Soulcalibur IV wallpaper 08 - free Please be advised that owners of non-Asian/non-Japanese version games should not buy add-on content from the Japanese or Hong Kong/Singaporean stores. Content such as videos, themes, wallpapers, demos and full games can be enjoyed by everyone with a proper account. To purchase content off these stores, you may buy PlayStation Network prepaid cards here for both Hong Kong and Japan.