For your $2.99 you get the following: Two new costumes (Christmas Tree headpiece and Gift Wrapped Sackboy), one new material (Wrapping Paper), two new items (a festive sleigh and a festive light), six new decorations (including a candy cane and a festive baubel) and, finally, "a ton" of new festive stickers. Not bad value for money, but we'd have loved if the pack had lived up to its name and included a level or two, which you'd need to traverse in order to pick up all these goodies.
Nevermind, we're thankful for what we get and, since LittleBigPlanet's release, we've been getting a lot. The PlayStation Blog article is keen to state that there are more packs on their way. No doubt we'll be grabbing each and every one of them as they appear.