Monday, May 4, 2009

Join the Killzone 2 developers for an evening of chat and mayhem

Are you up to the challenge of a night of online mayhem with the team behind Killzone 2?

In May 2009, is offering you the chance to interrogate the Killzone 2 developers on anything Killzone.

Find out about the newest and most exclusive content available in Killzone 2 right from the developers Guerilla Games themselves. During an adrenaline filled night of frenzied gaming the developers are ready to blast you with everything they've got. Join them while you jump from speeding train to speeding train and try not to get shot as you fire off your questions.

"It's a great way to show off our new downloadable maps and take the players behind the scenes a little bit. Maybe retell some amusing stories about how they were made after release of the disc build. Oh look it's that box from Tharsis Refinery.". - Eric Boltjes, Lead Online Designer

It will be a strategy of divide and conquer; while part of the Killzone team roams around in the servers joining random games, another elite squad of GG soldiers will be setting up games that anyone can hop into and join for a frantic fight for victory in some of the new exclusive maps.

"We are always looking for new and exciting ways to find and kill the people that actually buy our games and when this opportunity came around we simply had to jump at the opportunity." - Seb Downie - Producer

The developers will take you by the hand and lead you through the many pitfalls in the newest levels in Killzone 2. They will show you the best strategies, new tricks, tips and advice on how to deal with the enemy. This is your chance to ask questions and get a first-hand reply directly from the developers who made this fantastic game.

"Snipe the Dev events are really great for connecting with our core audience. They take a real pleasure in telling us how we failed to properly balanced the game modes, what features we should add to the next patch or how our levels sucks. We love every second of it. Especially the whole "shooting-at-them" part of it." - Simon Larouche, Senior Online Designer

Make sure to visit the official PlayStation forums for more information and to sign up and visit the official Killzone website at for more information on Killzone 2.