Sunday, May 24, 2009

inFamous demo survival guide

Find out how to survive the mean streets of the quarantined Empire City, with a look at the inFamous demo, exclusive to PlayStation Network.

inFamous gives you the chance to play with superpowers around the massive environment of Empire City, with high vaulting, death defying acrobatics and sizzling electricity based abilities at your command. Stepping into the shoes of misunderstood protagonist Cole MacGrath, the question is do you want to use your powers for good... or evil? The choice is yours in a number of moral dilemmas that will test your ethics. Do you want to be famous or inFamous?

Regardless of what you choose, you better prepare yourself with a few handy tips - otherwise the dangers of Empire City may not leave you with any choice at all...

Taken from the notes of Zeke Dunbar

Hey Cole!

Listen, I know you're busy trying to get a handle on those freak-show powers and all that hoo-ha, but your ole buddy Zeke's been busy cookin' up ways to make things a little easier on you. Not sayin' you need to pull on some tights or anythin' like that (although I still have the designs), but the Reapers are like giant multiplying roaches. With guns. They're everywhere, man.

So, being the resident expert on these things, I thought I'd lend a hand to make sure your shaven lil' head stays attached to your shoulders. And I'll be right by your side... as soon as I find a replacement for the gun you accidently blew up with your electric ju-ju.

Empire City: playground to the fearless
We've had some good times around the fair old lady Empire, Cole. But the whole disaster has left her more messed up than an abandoned bride on her weddin' day (before the church she was in exploded).

My point is, Empire City ain't what she used to be, and you gotta do what you can to survive. Gettin' to rooftops, hangin' off lampposts and clamber up buildings is all second nature to you, so don't neglect it just because you're all happy-zappy now.

Make sure you take cover behind shelters and stuff. Those surroundings can keep you safe, so be like those fellas in black (that's ninjas, not those damn G-Men that secretly run the world) and use everything defensively and offensively.

No need to be too careful about property damage - city's a mess anyway. A few more broken bottles won't make much difference until we get rid of the people that're grindin' this place into the ground. That said...

A little can go a long way
There ain't no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna get it out there-- try not to fry every living thing you come across. People around here are a little tender, and they could do without bein' turned extra crispy, if you catch my meaning. Maybe you should stun the bad guys and then close in and finish them off. Or blast their sorry behinds into the air and zap the heck outta of 'em while they're floatin' around. Combos, man! Combos!

...then again, who am I to tell you what to do? They're your powers, right? Just try not to hit me with your mojo, all right? I got enough problems without getting fried.

Take the high ground
Now we both know I ain't what you'd call an expert tactician. (Or is it strategist?) Anyhow, beings how you can climb buildings and those Reaper clowns can't, I say you skedaddle on up and attack from the high ground. Maybe even do that thing where you turn yourself into a human bomb, the Thunder Drop. That's somethin' I can get behind.

"Just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin'"
Ha! How's that for a joke? I know you and water get on like vampires and sunlight. But the moral here is: don't stop to smell the roses. Keep moving, be on the lookout for cover. Damn Reapers don't stand still for nobody, and I've seen those idiots toting around grenades and rocket launchers. Let me put it this way -- grenade goes boom, you go splat. See what I'm gettin' at?

Know where you're going in life
That handy dandy GPS radar sure is a lifesaver. Tells you where the bad guys are hangin', who or what you need to protect, where Moya wants you to go, and even where you can get some of that sweet, sweet high-voltage juice you favor so much. (Not that I'm judgin' -- you do whatever it takes to keep your electric boogaloo dancin'.)

I got your back, brother. And once I can trade some sucker one of my home-made batteries for a new six shooter, I'll be right there with you.

Your pal,
