Tuesday, August 5, 2008

LittleBigPlanet demonstration video: Danger

Want to know the sort of perils you may be facing in revolutionary creation-driven platformer, LittleBigPlanet? Why not check out the first in a range of demonstration videos and find out...

Don't let the cute visuals fool you - LittleBigPlanet's worlds are full of hazards that can easily slay an unwitting Sackboy. The game itself allows you to create levels quickly and easily as seen in this trailer, where you can have as many tricks and traps as you wish - and while dressing up your little Sackboy won't have a direct effect on how you deal with these challenges, it can certainly make you feel more adventurous in your pursuit of glory!

Notice the self-contained nature of the level's layout, which lends itself to old school platforming gameplay. LittleBigPlanet gives you the ability to create this sort of structure or alternatively something which expands continuously - you have the freedom to explore with the form as much as you want. Same with the materials shown in the trailer, which include imaginative use of cloth, wood and plenty of stickers to brighten things up. As the scope of the game is only limited to your imagination, it probably pays to introduce markers which tell the player where to go next, as shown in the video through some rather handy... erm... hands, pointing the way.

The actual dangers themselves in the trailer are but a mere snippet of what you will encounter or build in LittleBigPlanet. Notice that some pillars are electrified - like the ghosts - and hot coals and fire are plentiful. All of these elemental hazards can be attributed to the materials you select, meaning even the most innocent looking of objects (such as the heart at the start and beginning of the video - which would be a rather cruel surprise for the lovesick Sackboy to deal with) can be made into a deadly threat.

Also worth looking out for is the mechanical snake (hovering over hot coals) and spikes, which can be strategically placed around your level. And although there are no real active enemies in the demonstration, they can be inserted to make Sackboy's task harder.

So don't think you've seen all the dangers you'll face in LittleBigPlanet - there's plenty more where they came from. Soon you'll be able to explore it all and make Sackboy's world as painful as you like... and love every minute of it.

The Incredible Hulk Green Goliath Trailer
LittleBigPlanet tutorial level video and information
E3: Sony Press Conference Notes
Sackboy knight rescues his princess in LittleBigPlanet trailer