It's Halloween! Are you going to go out trick or treating? Or are you going to be staying in, playing some awesome video games? Let us know!
Alan Tsang - King of Fighters Collection: The Orochi Saga and Silent Hill: Homecoming. My roommate also has Fallout 3 on the PC, so I'll give that a try if he stays away from the computer long enough.
Andrew Yoon - Now that PJM has been patched, I'm going to try and get through as much of that as possible. I wonder if I can take on Jeff R.'s challenge to get 100% this weekend. After that, I'll be playing through Mirror's Edge (yes, the final game), Resistance 2, Singstar ABBA, and I'll be off to EA to play some Skate II. Once this is all done, I'll be doing some election-related work.
Jem Alexander - Shame I have tonsillitis really, because today I received copies of SingStar: Boy Bands Versus Girl Bands and SingStar: Singalong With Disney. I've been playing through Quantum of Solace today (18% of trophies already!) so I'll no doubt continue with that throughout the weekend when I'm not busy with Valkyria Chronicles. Need to beat that ASAP and get my review up (spoiler: it's awesome). Other than that I still have a ridiculous number of games still in their shrink wrap and more keep coming. It's relentless.
Majed Athab is too cool for Halloween and didn't respond to WRUP.