Lost Planet 2, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and lots more
Episode 006 kicks off with Capcom's off-world bug-hunter Lost Planet 2. The game ticks a lot of boxes - monsters, robots, explosions, snow - and you can find out whether it holds together in our HD review. We've also got a preview of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and a review of the retro adventure, 3D Dot Game Heroes.
On top of that we've got our regular round-up of the best of the PlayStation Network, including the latest and greatest downloadable movies, a handful of PSone classics, and a guide to the tactical minefield that is Final Fantasy XIII's Paradigm system. And there's even more in our screenshot galleries, including the latest from Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. Episode 006 is available to download from the Store on Wednesday 12th May.
This episode we've also got a Kane & Lynch theme featured download for you all, and the next four episodes will each come with a free minis title.
As ever, episode 006 costs just 99p, or you can sign up to a 90-day subscription for 8.99.
We'd also like to remind you that you can stay in touch with all things FirstPlay by following us on Twitter at @firstplay_uk and on our Facebook page: FirstPlay (official). We also have a YouTube channel up and running at http://www.youtube.com/user/FirstPlayUK
The FirstPlay team would love to hear from the PS3 community so if you've got anything to share, from videos and grabs to suggestions for content feel free to get in touch.