Sunday, June 27, 2010

PlayStation answers community questions from E3

Read highlights from the E3 2010 live web chat on the official PlayStation Forums.

Deep in the heart of the Sony Computer Entertainment Europe booth at E3 2010, a host of special guests dropped in over 90 minutes to reply to questions submitted via the English community Forum at

Read on for the pick of the responses and for answers to some of the questions we weren’t able to cover off during the chat itself.

Gran Turismo 5

Is there going to be any more surprising news like the GT5 release date? (sp33dking89)
Penrose Tackie, brand manager, Gran Turismo: A November 2010 release is planned for Europe and we will be confirming the specific date very soon.

MotorStorm Apocalypse

Could we see a level where we drive up and down a building several times, noticing it falling apart as the race goes on? (Icematt12)
Simon Barlow, assistant game director, Evolution Studios: Yes. The race environments not only change dynamically as you race them, they're also persistent - which means when you return to the same location in a later race, you'll see the destruction caused previously still there. Nothing is reset when you play through one of the characters' storylines.

LittleBigPlanet 2

How will levels be sorted? (Seedhouse)
James Spafford, community manager, Media Molecule: We're building a new site called where every level and player will have a unique page. Additionally, in-game we have a set of new search features including streams which allow you to follow friends' activities and see which levels they are rating highly or new things that they are publishing. All of these features will work for all levels existing now and from the original. It's important to us to make it easy to find cool stuff.

PlayStation Move motion controller

Will PS Move have a vibration function? (Nyoro-n)
Gavin Russell, producer, SCEE Worldwide Studios: The PS Move motion controller features vibration functionality and this is used in games such as The Fight and Sports Champions to give feedback to the player.


Can you tell me about the new SingStar update and can I have a release date for this? About SingStar Dance, can you sing and dance or only dance? (litterature)
Dave Ranyard, game director, SingStar: As for the update I can say it will be in the next two to three weeks and it will contain Online Battle, Vibrato and Remote Play. We're really excited and the online play will work with SingStar Guitar and SingStar Dance, which is a great addition to those new titles. On Dance, two people can sing and two people can dance all together at the same time; same with Guitar.

And there’s more…

Later in the day, our guests kindly answered some of the questions they didn’t have time to reply to during the chat itself.

How many new vehicles are going to be in MS3? (Quender)
There are 15 unique vehicle classes, each of which has three distinct types of vehicle – so that’s 45 in total. You can then customize each of these to your heart’s content.

Will costumes created in LittleBigPlanet be transferable to LittleBigPlanet 2? (nerfherderhunter)
All costumes, downloads and, in fact, anything created in the first game by players can be transferred to LittleBigPlanet 2.

Can we expect a bundle with a PlayStation Move motion controller and a navigation controller? (UmiChan_88)
Mark Bowles, product manager, PlayStation 3: The PlayStation Move navigation controller offers gamers an alternative method to control character movement to the DUALSHOCK 3 Wireless Controller in some titles and will be sold separately from the motion controller as a standalone peripheral.

I noticed in a video that when changing games is Sports Champions you need to recalibrate the PS Move motion controller when switching games. Was this just an alpha build or do you actually need to calibrate the controller by placing it in certain positions when switching games?
Nick Robinson, product manager, PlayStation Move software: Each sport involves a completely different range of movements and so we quickly recalibrate the motion controller when you change over to ensure it is accurately set up.

Obsession Confessions: PlayStation Move