Sony Online Entertainment is betting it big on PS3. The company is currently working on three MMO titles for the system: Free Realms, DC Universe Online and The Agency. While consoles haven't traditionally been home to MMOs, SOE is hoping that free access to the PlayStation Network will give them the opportunity to succeed in a brand new market.
"I think PS3 will be close to half our business. There's an audience now waiting for online games on the PS3. I believe PSN has over 15 million users today. It's growing so quickly, we see a great user base potential there," SOE president John Smedley told GameDaily BIZ.
We're excited for all three of SOE's MMO projects for the PS3. However, we're most excited by Free Realms, a completely free MMO that charges for in-game items. The variety of gameplay options make us believe it will become a great alternative to PlayStation Home. The beta is starting soon on the PC -- we can't wait to see what the PS3 version will look like.