Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pachter: PS3 will beat 360 with $299 price drop

Pachter: PS3 will beat 360 with 9 price drop

The December NPD result were not particularly shocking: Xbox 360, a system which is half the price of the PS3, sold twice as many systems as the PS3. What if the PS3 were cheaper? GameDaily asked a number of analysts.

Michael Pachter, who has traditionally been the PS3's cheerleader, believes the system will actually outperform the Xbox 360 at a $299 price point. "Should they price at parity with Xbox 360 ($299), I think that PS3 sales would exceed 360 sales, and eventually, they could catch up." There's still a lot of time in this generation -- if PS3 sales improve, it wouldn't take too long to close the gap between the two systems.

Jesse Divinich also agrees that Sony could break out of its last place position, although he's less confident. "Sony has a legitimate chance at catching up to the Xbox 360 within the next 2 years, but in terms of overtaking the Xbox 360, that is not likely for some time."