Activision has announced two track packs for Guitar Hero: World Tour -- one with songs by Jimi Hendrix and one with songs by the group the Raconteurs:
Jimi Hendrix:
"If 6 Was 9""Little Wing""Fire" (Live version) The Raconteurs:
"Salute Your Solution""Hold Up""Consoler of the Lonely" Both packs will be $5.50. The Raconteurs songs can be purchased individually for $1.99, but not the Hendrix tracks. Finally, what you've all been waiting for: the code to unlock all the songs in GH:WT that was formerly exclusive to those who preordered from Gamestop is ... well, some people consider this kind of thing spoilers, so we'll tell you after the jump:
Source -- MTV Multiplayer -- via Joystiq
Source -- press release
Go to the "Cheats" section in the "Options" menu and the enter the following: Blue, Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow.